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Rainy City.

After spending a busy day yesterday, today we're just relaxing.

P is going out for swimming and weighting.
I came back from a small shopping.
Our landlord(?) G is controlling his favorable model helicopter during the rest time from his job at home.

Yesterday, I also joined P's swimming outside.
Needless to say, it's winter here. And needless to say, it's cold. GEEEEEEEEEEEEE...

But water was maybe 24-25 degree and the sunlight through the water!
That was beautiful, especially at the deeper part of the pool.

Sydney Harbor Bridge Climbing was a little overpriced.
Luckily it was totally a clear day and the guide was so nice and knowledgeable.
Otherwise, Ummmmmmmmmm.....

Hit a Thai restaurant (many Asian restaurants here!!) and ...musical, Mary Poppins. WoW!
luckily again, we got the last two tickets that was left for the night.
They said it was tough seats but actually I think it was the best reasonable ones...
It's been maybe 10 years since I saw musical last. Just fantastic night.

Early tomorrow morning, we'll be heading for west, middle part of Australia to see P's long-term friend.
They are so much looking forward to seeing us. For me this is the first time.
It's like introducing the wife to one's family...hahaha...so I'm a little nervous.
But I wish all of us will enjoy each other.

Some Jazz Gig tonight from now and will take 6:00am flight from Sydney to Mildura via Melbourne tomorrow.
Maybe G will give us a ride to the airport at about 4am...what a nice guy!!

What's in store...? Anyway it's gonna be a 1 week trip to countryside...

by noirworldwide | 2011-07-15 16:55


by noirworldwide